Friday, yeah...

Getting back into the swing.

Wyoming was, as always, wonderful. Watched the solar eclipse from high on Deadman Butte. Haven't been up there since D and I climbed it some twenty, twenty-five years ago. Arrived an hour or so ahead of the event, and found a nice shady spot under a huge red rock. Was inspired to quote Tom Eliot. "Come in under the shadow of this red rock..." Day was warm, but by the time the lights went out the temp dropped significantly. Never seen so much traffic on Highway 20 on the way into Casper. Ever. Glad we didn't leave until Wednesday. Even the Casper airport was overrun. Corporate /private Lear Jets lined up down the tarmac. What a sight!

Gave young J the last of the rainbow trout I caught up on the Middle Fork of Powder River. Watched him snarf it down before my eyes. Caught some nice brown, too, and a big beautiful brook, which we ate on the mountain. Treated our wonderful neighbor to the other two rainbow. Cabin already seems like a million years ago.