Sudafed. Well, that's one way to get some sleep. Made it nearly till dawn before the cold woke me, and from there the morning turned into a blur. Made some good final edits on "Love Triangle," and "If Wishes Were Horses," which I've now renamed "Sweetheart of the Rodeo." Gonna look to get both out the door before week's end. We'll see what happens in the meantime.
Cooked up a pot of navy bean soup instead of doing any honest work this afternoon. Cut the lawn, too. Read the N submissions, and as always, find the critique-ing of them a challenge, though each for reasons of its own. Both interesting stories. Both from schooled writers. But not sure either will get a pass to the next round. We'll see. Good to sleep on things sometimes.
Big day ahead tomorrow. Commercial work. Always happy with that. Want to stay ahead of the mid-week holiday, since the aftermath is always, well, tragic.
Kinda hoped this weekend would last a little longer. But it didn't, so that's that. On to the next one, I guess.