Rotten night's sleep, but up early anyway. Walked a mile and a half first thing, then home for coffee and work at the keyboard. Did a quick read-through of the new manuscript and decided, yeah, it's okay. Gonna let it rest five or six days before going in for another edit. Meanwhile, time to resurrect "Love Triangle" and maybe get it in the mail.
Spent the early afternoon on research. Noodling a few concepts for new clients. Felt good to jump back into the commercial work. Hope it continues to come. Enjoy working with people who understand what the game's about and actually want to accomplish something. Makes the whole process a lot more enjoyable.
Hit the gym late afternoon, but felt it in those late-in-the-week ways when everything's catching up with you.
Met the new twins across the street this evening. What beautiful babies. Can't imagine what it's like looking after four small ones at once, twenty-four seven. That's a job that takes youth and fortitude. Looking after four kitties is a much easier time.