You cannot petition the Lord with prayer...

Thought I'd get more done today. Good morning. Got in some solid edits. But was sidetracked not long after and things slowed, considerably. Don't feel well, either. Another GD cold, I think, though allergies might be playing into it. Smoke from the fires another possibility. Anyway, some good final edits on "If Wishes Were Horses." Haven't been in any hurry to get the new stories out the door, but should probably amp it up just for the sake of moving forward.

Surprise text from D this morning. Haven't had one of those in a while. Pic too. He's down in Hot Springs, Arkansas, on a road trip to Iowa. He'd been fishing. Tied into some "pumpkinseed" bluegill. Never seen anything like them. Streaked with orange and a florescent ice blue. Pretty fish.

Grabbed a latte at Starbucks around 1:00 then dragged my tired ass off to the gym. Changed up my routine a week ago. A quick rotation. Skip rope, work the heavy bag, hit the weight machines. Rinse and repeat.

Got a decent night's sleep, but tired nonetheless. Old habits die hard. Some harder than others. Grateful for what I have, but hungry for more.