Tuesday, 5:52 pm...

Another hot but lovely day. Blue skies, reefs of hight white clouds, a gentle breeze to keep the air moving. Spent most of the day in the cottage working on a new project. Got the go ahead to proceed on the Hayden Homes project too. Took a couple of hours off mid-day to visit with the little ones, then went off to the gym.

Heard some joker from Travel & Leisure talk about how poor Americans are at taking time off. Reminded me of a conversation I had years ago with a friend who worked in the college marketing department. He had it down to a science. First week off was to decompress. Second, learn to relax. The third week, he said, was where the only restorative value actually took place. Imagine. Three weeks off. I told him the most I'd ever accrued was two, and that management strongly discouraged taking all of it at once. Not if you wanted your job back when you got home.

Put in some quick edits on the new story. Think I made headway. Itching to crack a book tonight.