Went at it hard this morning. Up by six-thirty, out for a mile and half walk, then off to the cottage to put in some time at the keyboard. Got some good concepts together for the new project. Should be able to ship everything off before noon tomorrow.
Wind came up, but it felt good. Not sure what the temp topped out at today, but don't think it reached the nineties. Anyway, good day to work. At least until the Internet started crashing. Got stymied mid day and headed out for the gym. Got a haircut first. Felt good to lose some of the old topknot.
New issues of the Pikeville Review came in the mail. Look good. My story, "Eternity, Revisited" is in it. Last of the recent acceptances. Need to get a jump on copies. Submissions, too.
Feeling a little slow today and can't imagine why. The heat, I guess. No matter. Just going to soldier on and enjoy what's in front of me.