Looking out, looking in...

Guests vanished mid-morning. Spent the rest of the day catching up. Or trying to, anyway. A lot of work ahead, but with a good night's sleep might just make tomorrow a big day. Fingers crossed.

Eric the Reluctant made a triumphant return to frame the cottage doors and install the new leaded window. Job finished! Now some paint touch up, a bit of cleaning, some tech work to put everything electronic in order, and the office should be fully up and running. Again, fingers crossed.

Had a good time visiting with my writer buddy, Scott, yesterday. Fun to get out in the fresh air for a bit. Ought to look for more chances like that while the weather's nice.

"Man of Letters" should go live tomorrow on Saturday Evening Post. Looking forward to it. The new story I've been working on--untitled--is going to be a good one if I don't muck it up. Did some research that should be helpful. Now just need to find a seamless way of working it in.