Let's call it a night...

Up with another cold. Geez. Was hardly out of the woods with the last one. Snorting zinc and hoping for the best. We'll see what happens.

Still noodling with the new offices. Worked out there most of the morning and into the early afternoon. Getting the hang of it, I think. Still a bit awkward, but that should go a way with the first story I finish out there.

Speaking of such, the new one's coming along. Voice is still uneven, but the narrative's coming together. Should be a decent piece, providing I don't horse it up.

Ghostwriting job on the screen treatment now up in smoke. But it's all for the best. Client was a special kind of nutty.

Jeep had some kind of malfunction this afternoon. Got it going after a few tries and escorted it to the shop. Praying the bill will be this side of reasonable, but not counting on it.