Woke early, wind piping down the eaves, rattling the lilacs. Worried we were in for another hard blow, but it turned out to be a nice day despite the early bluster. Wrote a while in the early morning, then went out to the garage to do a bit of policing. Cleaned a while, hauled debris from the worksite, then came upstairs to sort through a closet full of old files and such. Took a late trip to the dump. Made it just before closing. Home again to make another drop off at K's--boxes of books and all manner of things for the neighborhood garage sale this spring. Feels good getting organized. Champing at the bit to have it all finished. Eric the Reluctant showed sometime before noon and started the install of the baseboard and shoe molding. Looks great so far. Need to dedicate some time to the leaded-glass window the next few days. Other molding as well. Disappointed to hear the lighted door won't be shipped for another week. Who knows when it arrives. I've seen homes built more quickly, but if it looks the way it should all will be right with the world when it arrives. Haven't done a lick of real work (writing) in days. Need to remedy. Got a call from my cousin, J.J. today, saying he's in town (from Iowa). Looking forward to catching up with him. Having lunch tomorrow.