Like spring today. Must have made it into the mid-seventies. Best of all, hardly any wind to stir up the dirt and pollen. Was put to work early, but managed a quick trip to the grocery store, and a latte from Dutch Brothers. Revised the new ms. when I got home. Sent off a thank you to the Pikeville Review, too, and re-read and critiqued the new N. story. Mild interruptions throughout the afternoon. Decisions on new office, etc. Went on a hunt for my plumber's wrench, which proved fruitless, and wound up driving over to Ace to buy a new one. Watch. The old wrench will turn up tomorrow morning. Right under my nose. I'd bet on it. Gonna try and get in some reading tonight. Tired from the work at the gym, but in a good way. Need to get in the zone before my eyes call it quits.