Blow ye winds and crack your cheeks...

High winds woke me early from a bad dream. Imagined I was moving to Florida, against my will. Kept asking strangers if my Colorado "residence" papers were still in order, presumably because I figured to make a break for home the first chance I got. Wasn't looking forward  to being up at three, but it beat the alternative.

Hurricane force winds almost all day. Hundred year old trees felled all over the neighborhood. Power out, home and office, for most of the day. Internet out, too. Miserable goddamned day, and looking at a reprise of it again tomorrow. God, I hate this time of year. Weather folks say there's snow in the forecast for Saturday. Sure hope so. Was just beginning to feel better when the air went south on us again. Nursing a major league headache, nausea.

Needless to say, didn't accomplish a damn thing today, outside of a v.o. session at the office. Wasn't even able to get my reading out of the way. Meetings were cancelled, rescheduled, cancelled again. Schedule all out of whack. Hoped to get a bit of a respite, but things are already beginning to get a bit blustery again. Maybe I can score a pair of earplugs before he night's out?