This pilgrim's progress...

Still spinning the wheels, but managed to get some writing in just the same. Drafted the first 500 words of a new story, made some good revisions on "Dancing with the Devil. Need to put the final proofs of "Herald Angel" and "Te Quiero" to bed tomorrow. Get them out the door and have done with them.

Been re-reading Poetics in my spare moments, absorbing even more this time around. The knowledge is beginning to feel liberating, rather than restricting or intimidating. Halfway through it, and making good notes.

My dad's been on my mind a lot lately. Not sure why, but I welcome the visits. Hard to believe he's been dead almost ten months.

A quarter of the way into T.C. Boyle's The Terranauts, and enjoying it greatly. Look forward to making more progress this week. Haven't had as much time read as I would have liked, but with moving the office it's not surprising. Can't seem to find ten minutes of uninterrupted time lately. Haven't been to a movie in months.