
Cheerful day. Lots of sun, high flying clouds, a good fall breeze. Out of the gym and into the office early. Worked out a new draft, best first shot in a long time. How many mss are sitting on my desk, days away from being finished? Must be five. Of more interest, why haven’t I been able to shove them out the door? A real head scratcher. Been in this place before. You wake up one morning, and suddenly the words all fall into place. Not gonna panic or try and hurry anything cause it wouldn’t do any good. Just gonna wait and see.

Nice meeting this afternoon. New TV script in the works. Got a nice walk through Old Colorado City. Could’ve used a Starbucks but settle for a house brew. Back at the office made a few more revisions.

K leaves for home tomorrow. Been a nice visit. Like to get at least one new ms out the door before the weekend’s out. Maybe it’ll happen, maybe not. But something to shoot for.