Gym overrun today, but managed to get in a decent workout just the same. Put down the jump rope in favor of the rowing machine. Worked the heavy bag for a while. Tossed around the medicine ball.
Sent six of my eight N pieces off this morning. Promoted two of them. Had a dry spell for a while, turning down eight or ten in a row. Happy to be out of the slump. Two more in the queue, but probably won’t be able to give them a look until tomorrow.
Gave a cursory read to my buddies’ B&T’s stories. Impressed. Both have put in some quality work. Not surprised at that, but pleased for them. They’re taking this gig seriously, and the effort is paying off. Enjoyed both pieces.
Weather might break soon. Feels cooler today. Light’s been changing too. Harbingers of fall, I hope.
Having a nice time with mom. She’s dozing on the settee across from me as I write this. Never known a more peaceful, more forgiving soul in my life. Gonna remember this visit for a long time.
Mother/son movie adventure this afternoon. Gone with the Wind. Much as I want to dismiss the flick as a cinematic soap opera, I find it always comes back in a two fisted flurry, reminding me why a classic is a classic.
Dinner with my cousins this evening. Burgers on the grill, nice conversation, old family stories, and a lot of laughs. Missed seeing their boys, but a nice time anyway.
Tomorrow’s Thursday. Where did the week go? Seems as if these entries have become more and more disjointed of late. Guess they’re a mirror of what’s going on these days. Can’t seem to string together ten minutes of uninterrupted time.