Rainy day, dream away...

Big rain blew in this afternoon. Clouds on the mountains still all swollen and bruised. Temps fell into the 70s and will probably stay there for a few days. Good sleeping weather, for sure.

K’s inspection on the new digs went well. Lots of reason to celebrate. Happy for her. Hope the rest of the song and dance goes as smoothly.

Saw Hell or High Water at the theater out east, yesterday. Nice bit of filmmaking/storytelling. Like to go back and see it again. Maybe this weekend?

Stalled out, writing. Need to step back and take a breath of air. Step up the reading for a few days. Having luck with the revisions, but they seem to be coming more slowly, which usually means I’ve gotten far too close to the manuscript and lost my aesthetic distance.

Empire of the Summer Moon continues to impress. Gotta fetch a hardcover for the permanent library when I’m finished reading.

Calling it a wrap. Need to get home to the house guests.