That's entertainment!

Early entry. Guests coming over again this evening. Had a nice time last night, hoping for the same tonight.

Restless night's sleep with a lot of bad dreams. Out of bed later than usual, but up just the same. Coffee on the back patio. Finished the last (fingers crossed) of this year's planting--a small dogwood on the north side of the brick wall--then to the office to write. Got the working draft of "Man of Letters" in order and think it's not too bad. Surprised me coming to the end. Felt like Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke when he reaches the last of the gravel road. Piece comes in around four thousand words. Expect the final ms. to run about the same.

Left for the gym around 3:00. Skipped rope and hit the heavy bag. Then home for a shower. Another hot day. Ready for fall. Anytime.

Still fighting off the blues. Maybe my thyroid's gone bust.