Checking in...

Been days since updating this baby, though not for lack of interest. Lots of yard work over the long weekend, including the building of the final set of teak gates. A minor setback with the drain on the east fountain, but nothing tragic. Should be able to kick back this weekend and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Up early to the gym, then off to the orthodontist for what is getting close to the final visit. Should have the braces off in August if all goes well, and so far, all seems to be going well. Put in some good revision time on a new story I'm calling "Love Minus Zero." Yeah, a nod to the old Dylan number on Bringing it all Back Home. Had doubts about the story a few days ago, but think it's going to be all right providing I get the last page in order. Back to work on the untitled piece tomorrow.

Big storm tonight. Rain, hail, the whole nine yards. Looks like everything survived.