Road trip in the making...

Stuck in what feels like an endless state of revision. Good? Bad? Hard to say. Maybe what's best now is to stand down, take a breath, and come back to some of these pieces later. Happened on a title for the story of the two hunters. "Wilderness of Pain." Lifted it from the Doors, "The End." Still monkeying around with dialog, wondering if condensing some of the interior action won't strengthen the work.

Proofs in for "Desperado" from the editors of the American Fiction anthology. Edit looks clean. Looking forward to seeing the final product.

Earmarked a few of my yet unseen drafts for some upcoming deadlines. If that doesn't get them out the door, nothing will. 

Leaving for Durango tomorrow. Albuquerque the day after. Bittersweet doings, but with any luck more sweet than bitter.