Day labor, light denied...

Just back from an EJ meeting about Social Security. Illuminating--in that, as suspected, I won't be retiring anytime soon.

Cold day, but not so bad in the sun. Went sledding for the first time in many a year down at the park. Much fun was had. Wind picked up and headed home, Tilapia fillet for lunch, website copy most of the afternoon, a little reading and revision in the early evening.

Note from Michael Croft, editor in chief at Narrative magazine late this afternoon. I've been accepted as an assistant editor. A lot of work ahead. A lot of responsibility. Thrilled with the news and can't wait to get started.

Went to work on the new opening of "Good Bad Friday" this morning. Banged out something like 300 words without looking back. Some clean-up, compression, and I'll be ready to send it out. Feels as though the pieces are falling into place.