Revising, revisiting...

Into the office early. Good work done on "Dead Drift," formerly "The Catch." Reordered the narrative, streamlined the action, trimmed dead wood, and rewrote the ending. Still need to smooth out the diction, but the piece has already improved by leaps and bounds. Also made some good advances with a new story, working title, "Walking In." Have four pieces now, all within a few  good edits of going out the door. At least three others not far behind. Want to believe this is going to be a good year. Not worried about quantity, but would like to see a leap forward in quality. Bigger pubs. Maybe a few extra bucks on the side. 

Nice weather today, and more promised tomorrow. Someone mentioned seventies, but it seems too early for that. Anyway, a classic Colorado day. Blue skies, snowy peaks, and fresh air. The antidote to a whole helluva lot that's going on right now. Another nice thing. Saw my artist friend, George S. yesterday. Been too long. Had a great visit, and am already looking forward to the next.