Crazy mixed up day. Got waylaid on the way to the office, caught up in long, involved telephone conversation, and when the conversation ended the phone followed suit. Spent forty minutes at the iphone repair center only to learn the device was dead. Spent the last part of the afternoon driving to the north side of town in rush hour to make it to the Apple store in time to buy a new phone. Not much done in the way of work, but happy to say I was able to get "Outskirts" out the door to The Journal, and still find time to snag a copy of T. Jenks "A Poetics of Fiction" for some late night reading. High winds blowing in and out the past few days. Allergies are driving me nuts. Saw there's an excerpt of Don DeLillo's new novel in this week's New Yorker. Read the interview online yesterday. Great answer from D. about character's backstory/motivation. Will have to revisit that one. Didn't get a lick of writing in today. Will have to remedy that tomorrow.