Third day in a row of mild weather and sun, but there's still six inches of now on the lawn. Maybe it'll be gone by the weekend. Feels like a lost day, but I know it wasn't. Drafted a new story that may or may not have promise, then into the office to do a little commercial work. Took care of small things from noon till 2:00, then off to the barber, the gym, and back to the office. Feeling the weight of the week, and happy to know tomorrow's Friday. Looking forward to a couple days of uninterrupted writing. Very much like to have a working draft of "Unseen" in order by tomorrow evening. "Good Bad Friday" not long after that. Submitted a scaled back version of The Outskirts of Nowhere" off to the Indiana Review press for consideration in the Blue Lights Book Prize. Haven't had much luck with the IR, but we'll see. Maybe an independent judge will look more favorably on my style.