Under, over, sideways, down...

Short day, quick post. Rolled out of bed at seven, drank a couple of cups, then ran off to the office. Got some decent edits in, and a bit of housekeeping. Then off to gym, home again, a stroll around the block, and back to the keyboard--where there was no Internet, thanks to a change in service providers. Gotta love technology.

Got some reading in, and discovered another new story waiting in my N queue. That one will have to wait until tomorrow.

Mom and P slated to arrive somewhere around noon. Will have to catch up by phone in the morning and get a more accurate read. Been a busy month. More comings and goings than usual. Haven't been able to get as much done around the house as I would have liked. Or enjoyed as many lazy weekends as a nice lazy summer demands.

Dinner tonight at K's new house. She leaves tomorrow for another trip abroad. Like I said, lots of comings and goings.