Weather, or not...

Up later than I wanted to be. Supposed to have been an overnight snow, but it came more toward noon and last a couple of hours. Big wet flakes. Just now back in from shoveling the walks. El Nino's here for a while, I guess. Should make for interesting coming and going in SF.

Didn't get much writing or revising in today. Spent the better part of the late morning and afternoon at the office, trying to catch up on one thing or another. Got away to the gym around 4:00 pm. Short workout, but good.

Feels like the spring doldrums, but I can't allow myself to go there yet with so many weeks of snow and cold ahead. Forecast for the weekend doesn't look good for the mountains. Temps supposed to drop into the teens or lower. 

City's digging up the alley. Not sure why. Sewer? Who knows. The sound of jackhammering is going on day and night now.