Making due...

Came down with something yesterday. Chills, fever. Bit of a headache. Hope I can shake it before I head up to Wyoming.

Rainy today. Big lashing hailstorm around 2:00 pm. Thought we might lose another tree, but fared pretty well when it was all over and done with. Damage to the flowers, but the rest of yard came through unscathed. Or mostly unscathed, anyway.

Ready to send “Missing” and “Eternity, Revisited” out the door. Close with “The Least of Your Brothers,” too. Had a small window to make some revisions this morning, so got a start on a draft I wrote sometime last spring.

Haven’t gotten in much reading time with all the yard work, but looking forward to some downtime tonight when I can dig back in to The Assassins. Can’t help but think I’d have a completely different opinion of the book, and its characters, if I’d read it in the 70s.