Big rains tonight. Thunder, lightning. The whole enchilada. In to work early this morning, working on a revision of “Desperado.” Yesterday, it was “Working to Beat Hell.” Still trying to find my groove in the midst of all the schedule changes, but I think I’m getting closer.
Only one acceptance so far this year. Averaged ten or more per year the two leading up to this one. Eight pieces in the mail at the moment, so maybe I’ll hit paydirt on the back end. We’ll see. Best to just keep plowing ahead and trying not to think about it. Still.
Footings for the fireplace and side gate were poured today. Hope the rain doesn’t damage the concrete. Sprinkler system was adjusted today, too. Hurrah! Grass looks great, except for the native fescue someone sneaked into the mix, and even that doesn’t look too bad.
Spoke to the folks last night. Good to hear their voices. Hope to be able to say that for a long time to come.