Good Friday...

Progress! “A Convergence of Interests” is out the door. Also got a nice rejection from the folks at Sententia Books regarding “Occurrence at the Night Owl Liquor Store,” calling it “very accomplished.” Which is progress, too, in that most pubs—from what I’m able to gather—seem to view it as a vaguely racist piece of work, judging from the reception its gotten. So much for an honest exploration of one man’s misanthropic attitude toward vagrants and street people.

Doc appointment checked out in the plus column, and the rest of the day moved along nicely. Got in a long walk downtown—had a chance to listen to a bluegrass/jug band play a couple of numbers on the street corner—then walked home, took care of a few domestic matters, and headed to the office.

Enjoying the longer days and cool weather. Big birthday bash for J. tomorrow, and after that a quick jog to Santa Fe in search of old doors. Looking to spend the night there in a casita, and head back early on Sunday. Spaghetti tonight. And wine. Going to savor every minute. Try and act like a big boy and stay up past ten o’clock for a change.