Lazy day, lazy entry. Up late, two cups of coffee and a shower later, off to the bank to open a new business account. Forty-five minutes later, away to the office to do a little story research. No writing, no revising.
Came home around 1:00 and went downtown for a cup of coffee and a scone. Did a little grocery shopping for tonight’s dinner (chicken Valeria), read pages from the Pomeroy book (more about this later), and took a long nap with the kitties.
Day was warm and sunny, like yesterday. Hopes of snowshoeing went by the wayside, as all the early week’s precipitation has melted or turned to ice.
Saw a new exhibit of retablo’s and santos at the Fine Arts Center yesterday. Impressive. Grabbed a promotional flyer to mail to the old folks. They won’t get up to see it, but mom will enjoy reading about it.