Late to bed, early to rise. Saw a small herd of elk while having coffee in front of the fire. Said goodbye to the cabin a few minutes before eleven, and headed home through Boulder Canyon.
Day was overcast and foggy, but the roads were clear for the most part. Lots of snow in the forest, much of it still clinging to the pine boughs. Stopped at the Bald Pate Inn to have look-see, even though it was closed. Took a few snaps and drove on.
Stopped at a little dive called the Millsite (somewhere outside Nederland) for lunch. Proprietors seemed surprised to see customers. Place was an old log cabin, heated by woodstoves, and so cold inside you had to eat with your coat on. Our server (the owner?) was a pretty woman in her fifties or sixties. She wore red lipstick and a black ski band over her ears. Clomped around in heavy black boots. Had soup and fries. Soup went cold pretty fast, but the fries were good. No exaggeration to say it was warmer outside than in.
Got coffee in Boulder at Starbucks. Drove through from there. Came home to happy kitties and a warm house. Looking forward to a quiet evening of wine and pizza.