February 6, 2015
The sky here in Colorado can get away with anything. The blue it sported today was a color you wouldn’t find anywhere except on bad bridesmaid dress. But against the mountains, it was perfect. Went for a long walk downtown—in shorts and a tee-shirt—soaking up every bit of sun I could get. Got over to the demonstration gardens at CC and fed the ducks and geese. Nice to be outside. Really nice. No wind today, just a nice breeze.
February 7, 2015
Slept in. Got a few chores out of the way, then hit the keyboard, making a good effort at mending the last page of “The Catch.” Think I’m close on this one, but want to make sure every last detail is in place. Feels like a strong story. One I should be able to place in a top-tier pub.
Headed out to the office around 1:00, and finished a project that’s due Monday. Figure to be on the road to Albuquerque tomorrow (another visit to the folks), so wanted to get the loose ends tied up before I vanished. Read a nice start on a story by my friend, Scott Jessop, this afternoon. A sci-fi piece called “Purple Testament.” Also received the new issue of Harpur Palate in the mail.
Going out for a steak dinner at Walter’s Bistro tonight. Kind of tired, but I know I’ll enjoy it. A nice end to another nice, warm, decidedly un-springlike day.