Many doings. A bit of writing in the early morning, then off to the shop to manage a few projects. Blood drawn at noon. Lunch at Starbuck’s afterward.
Read forty or so pages of the Krakauer book last night. Three new lit journals and a new New Yorker to look into this weekend. Feeling energized. Also found a book by Ernie Pyle—essays from WWII—that I’d forgotten about and need to revisit. Been years since I’ve looked at it.
Cats have been particularly sweet the past few days. Wonder what that’s about? Nice to see them cuddling, chasing each other around. Everything’s okay when the boys are okay.
Supposed to be snow tonight, but we’ll see. If so, might strap on the snowshoes. Otherwise, looking forward to a long morning of writing and, with luck, a movie later in the afternoon.