Still under the weather. Feels like I’ve been working at half speed for almost two months. Whatever’s going on, I hope it gives soon.
Highpoint of the day was a story in the new issue of redivider (12.1) by Robert Long Foreman, a professor at Rhode Island College. Funny, funny piece that, in a completely twisted sort of way, Mick Jagger would probably consider an homage.
Also finished the Hillenbrand book. Wow. What a story.
Had some time early in the morning to make a few revisions. Have four, maybe five pieces close to finished. Feel if I could summon up the energy for one big charge I might get two of them out the door.
Robert Pinsky was supposed to appear at the Colorado College tonight, but cancelled because of bad weather on the east coast. Looks like reruns on TV instead.
Was sorry to hear Pinsky wasn’t coming. Saw him here years back, just after he’d published his translation of The Inferno, and it was a great night. Robert Haas was also there. Terrific double-header. (It was a good run of talent, that year, if I remember. I believe W.S. Merwin spoke the following month, just after releasing his beautiful long poem, The Folding Cliffs.)