To sleep, perchance to dream....

Sleepless night, sluggish morning. Even so, progress on two stories. Left for office early, then came home early to work on lawn. Spread a yard of new topsoil and prepped it for seed. Will pick up a roller from Bill’s Tool Rental in the next day or so and go to town. Roll, sew, cover and water. Woo-hoo! New grass! Can’t wait to see those little green spears poking through the burlap!

More than looking forward to a little shut-eye tonight. Not sure how long the evening will last, between the short night last night and all of the yard work this afternoon. But good to be moving forward. Does sleep come anymore honestly than from a long afternoon working outdoors?

Bike races tomorrow! All across town. Should make for an interesting afternoon—logistically speaking—as the city will be closing a number of roads to accommodate the racers. Full report to come!