7:54 pm. Discovering the joys of braces, in small. Picks, brushes, flosses, dyes. More brushes. Threading devices. Want to remember this experience. Been putting myself in the shoes of a teenager and thinking I’ve got it better—lots better—than any kid. No classmates ragging on me. No worries of locking lips, and hardware, with girls. No anything.
Been reading (and enjoying) a book, The Seige, by James Hanna, editor of the Sand Hill Review. Took a small detour this morning to add Tobias Wolff to the mix. Then the opening pages of a slim biography of Jack Dempsey by Toby Smith, a writer who's worked for, among many others, Sports Illustrated. The book’s called Kid Blackie: Jack Dempsey’s Colorado Days. Enjoying it all.
Worked on a couple of stories this morning, including the one about the wayward hunters. Attended to business with the contractors as well, and managed to get in a much-appreciated twenty winks with the cats—both of whom seem appreciative of the new dental work, and both of whom offered their kitty encouragement.