A Small Not-so-Good Thing...

Out of pocket the past few days. Been trying to catch up with the holidays without much success. Feel like the guy in the movies who’s left behind when the car speeds away. Can see myself through the rear window growing smaller and smaller. Legs churning. Arms flailing.

Christmas tree did a face plant into the sofa last night. Chalk it up to negative tropism. Or bad luck. Or gremlins. Whatever evil force behind its undoing, the entire menagerie ended up on the living room floor. Heard it from the den, and thought, uh oh. Ran in to check, and was greeted by the sight of spilled water, broken ornaments, pine needles, a fallen angel....

The tree is now on the front lawn, looking like something out a Raymond Carver story. Some of us were more traumatized than others, but in the immediate aftermath of the crash even the cats looked like they could use a drink.