Loose ends...

Woke to the sound of guests leaving. Jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to say goodbye, but too late. The Jeep had already turned the corner on its way to the airport.

Did a little writing over a pot of coffee. Not much, but enough to say I’m making headway on two new pieces. Moved some bookcases afterward and managed to avoid maiming or killing the kitties, both of whom insisted on being underfoot. The old glass-doored legal bookcase is now upstairs. Nice to look at it while I’m at the keyboard.

Read more of the Brautigan novel. Impressed at how easy he makes it look. How much heart he puts into it. Have the feeling it’s going to make me sad when all is said and done, but that’s okay. It has a lot of charm.

Made big plans to fry up some Polish sausage, sweet peppers and onions, but find I’m too lazy to do it after all the heavy lifting. So it’s comfort food instead. Grilled cheese and tomato soup. Tired. Gonna hang it up now and see what the rest of the night brings.