Fell off the grid again. Don’t know why it keeps happening.
All over the place with work, chores, correspondence, and all the rest. Just been that kind of week, I think.
Anyway, have two good drafts in place and need to get back to the long piece again. Short story land is in another prolonged nod with more than half a dozen pieces under consideration in excess of eleven months. A lot of them claim a covid hangover, but for the most part they’re just piss poor managers of their own time.
Not to worry. Have a lot of reading on my plate, and some new N stories have come in as well.
Getting lots of yardwork done. Pruned the trees the other day, mowed the lawn for the second time, and managed a bit of cleanup to boot. Haven’t found anything to replace the dead hydrangea near the cottage door, but not for lack of trying. Maybe we’ll find something this weekend.